Friday, July 22, 2011

Come on its not Common

Nothing much but exactly as the title says, ' come on' is not ' common'. Its a mistake I make and also by many I know of constantly using the latter for the former. The first time it came to my notice was when Anu brought it up on facebook when she replied back to something I said "What is common?".

From then on I have ben very conscious of my usage. To my utter horror I discovered that in my play such occurence had crept in several times.

Its really funny how people just accept it and move on. Have you also been doing it? Time to make it uncommon now. Come on, you can do it.

P.S This is my first ever post through mobile using swype and in 13 minutes tops with least amount of correction. Freaking awesome, ain't it! Now I no longer need to crib about holding back my thoughts to blog and forget about it.

Blogging anytime anywhere guaranteed! Take that Iidiots!


Pavan said...

Ha ha, surprising you are blogging on MY fav topics, so here I am commenting on your useless blog once more :D . That "common" seriously gets to my head. Surprisingly, people who are otherwise perfectly normal and intelligent also tend to use this idiotic alternative. And guess what? it doesn't even make the typing any easier except for one space character! Argggghhh :P

yossarain said...

Totally agree with you dude. It really is darn surprising on how people miss out on such simple things. I mean when you type and even re read what you have written it just passes on unnoticed till you make an effort.

Anyways one possible explanation I can think of is because of the way its written. You see it can also be spelt as com'n..that must be source of this. :)

P.S Useless? My foot.. :D