Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fight the Fat - Day 1

Have you heard of the saying "If you can't beat them, Join them" ? Have you? hmmm...Just asking..Nothing related though.

First of all I would like to nominate 'yesterday' i.e. 29:07:09 05:25:04 +/- few seconds here and there as a the lead contender for the second prize in the category "Groundbreaking life decisions" (here is the first-Link). That was the exact moment I strongly decided to follow the GE/GM - Weight Loss Diet Plan after hearing few miraculous things from Linda about it's outcome. The name confusion is because it's not abundantly clear who actually started this. It's popular by the name of GE but most of them list it as GM. Whatever it is, there is one common thing - John Hopkins University findings.

After the snacks coming straight back to the office, I heavily researched on this and no surprise. Google had 131,000 results. Its a one week course aimed at reducing 5-6 Kgs per week. Ok, I think you don't get it. It's 5-6 Kgs per week. Almost too good to be just another "eat less, run 30 minutes daily, bam, 5 gone" kind of treatment. Filtering through the filth, it was not until I checked some real life experiences by the people who have followed this and have shown some tremendous results (some lost almost as much as 8Kgs!), did I put my heart on it. I have started reading through all the comments, collecting some of the common doubts and have taken a print out too. Well here is the gist of things one must do if he/she is planning to shed some excess weight over a span of one week (or) in simple words - Arre saale itna to kar ...dek wo tummy teri...

Day One
All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consists of all fruits you want. It is suggested you consume lots of watermelon and cantaloupe.

Day Two
All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type. Avoid oil and coconut while cooking vegetables. Have large boiled potato for breakfast.

Day Three
Any mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet and no potatoes today.

Day Four
Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. You can also have one bowl of vegetables soup.

Day Five
Today is a feast day. You will eat 1 (one) cup of rice. You also have to eat 6 (six) whole tomatoes and drink 12 (twelve) glasses of water today to cleanse your system of the excess uric acid you will be producing.

Day Six
Today is another all vegetables day. You must eat 1 cup of rice today and eat all the vegetables you want cooked and uncooked to your heart's content.

Day Seven
Today your food intake will consist of 1 cup rice, fruit juice and all the vegetables you care to consume. Tomorrow morning you will be five to eight kilograms lighter than 1 week ago.

If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. Repeat the program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you rest for three days before every repetition. You can find much more over here - Link.

Friends, well-wishers, and those-would-be jealous folks this is my day 1. Seeing the routine I definitely knew I can do till day 4 comfortably. I was not wrong and here I am blogging away my successful first day's report*.

Fruits Day -

  • 9:30 A.M. - 1 Apple, 2 Oranges
  • 12:00 P.M. - Cut fruits - mixture of watermelon, musk melon, papaya, grapes and pineapple. Everything was perfect except for the musk melon - some were sour
  • 12:20 P.M. - 1 Ltr Water
  • 1:30 P.M - 5:00 P.M - 1 Ltr Water
  • 5:00 P.M. - Cut fruits - only water melon this time
  • 6:00 P.M - 9:30 P.M. - 1 Ltr Water
  • 9:30 P.M. - Cut fruits - mix of water melon and musk melon
  • 10:40 P.M - 12:00 A.M. - 1 Ltr Water

Investment so far -

  • 2 Oranges - Rs.30
  • 1 Apple - Rs.15
  • Cut Fruits - 45
  • Water - Free
  • Total - 30+15+45 = Rs. 90/-

That ended the day 1's investment.

Experience so far -

Felt little hungry just before snacks and thanks to few calls to mom and dad it subsided. From then on I didn't haev any hunger pans. Water helps a lot for that if you didn't figure out by now. Mind is the key here, it's very important to be pre-occupied and not think about foody-foody thoughts. This you can by you know working, attending meetings, coding and if you ain't got no work - blogging!

...* - Day hasn't ended yet though, hence the star.. More to come

P.S. - If you read through again you would find I said this day as being 'nominated' - the reason being I just can't figure out how in the world this is going to work. So life changing/ not there is too much to prove.

P.P.S - Krishna Hari Kalluri and I have already wagered over it and I owe a Mexchicken pizza with coke if I don't make the 79 mark by next wednesday. So my ardent readers, cheer me on, you defnititely don't want to see him win...would you?


Harkrishna K said...

Hi dude ...(Pichh cock .. as i usually address u ) .. I am glad that u were able to follow the GM/GE diet successfully on day-1 ..(dont forget ..u owe me an apple drink ) and at he same time I am scared that u would win the bet.
Hopefully u would complete the diet process for the week.

Waiting for the D-day (A wednesday ) .. :) ..
All the best mate

Pavan said...

This is too much trouble! Lets see how it ends and the long term results (after one month) :D

yossarain said...

Thanks a zillion mate for those kind words. This was just so unexpected..completely out of the blue you know.I understand your fears but it's ok to lose you know..That aint' a bad thing at all! So Cheer up!

Am also gunning for the same day..Wednesday..

Thanks again..