Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Incredible era of Social Networking… I

Very recently, almost a week now, I have become a relentless pursuer of the new upcoming sites/wikis/blogs/mashups – call it whatever you feel like. It all started with checking out few comments posted on one of the articles in Counter Currents. After I closed the window I clicked on the ‘Share This’ button and it was the first time I really paid close attention to all those tiny things listed out there. Then it was like -Common… gimme a break!..When does this stop? It’s like these things keep mushrooming and the end is no where in sight.
It’s quite interesting to go back in history and start from what actually was missing for someone to go onto networking. I mean first and foremost it started with chat. Every guy/gal you knew had Yahoo! . The fun of chatting was just too good to resist. Going into chatrooms with psuedonames, looking for a specific kind of people and ending up with ASL constantly. And then you may/may not realize that all the rooms are filled with these kinds. Some go in for the kill and might have been successful, that’s another story. Mails too played the integral part of communication. We so much needed it in exchanging notes, ppts, photos, etc. err, they still do? Ain’t it?

Well unknowingly my first brush with networking started with Orkut. You know back in those good old you-scrap-i-scrap-what-a-crap days , it was so much fun. Things started to simmer down, came out of the s’crap’s. Then my blog happened which again wasn’t serious networking per se. Still with few comments here and there, getting some readers (follower’s concept wasn’t there back then) kept me active. There was something missing still – the interactions were not fast enough, the blogs weren’t small enough and certainly the frequency was just not long enough to keep anyone hooked. But the immense happiness I get looking back at my old blogs or the times when I post new ones or the times I get comments (got it? Comments? ) is something I can’t express. It keeps my spirits alive the whole day.

Anyways, in middle of this there was again unknowingly I was part of another network StumbleUpon – one of the coolest add-ons ever I have ever installed on Firefox. This was a must every time I installed Firefox (and that happened heck of a lot times). The idea of just getting the sites of your interest on just the click of the mouse is a nirvana to all those lazy bums who have no clue what to spend the time on the net for. Gosh! I was one heck of a stumbler, some of my finds have been just amazing and my main interests included – U.S. Imperialism, Anti-war, Internet, Athiests, and so on.
Well things moved on and here in brief this is how it happened..

  • Came to Bangalore

  • Part of great company, great project

  • Project ended, next project.

  • Project 2 lots and lots of free time and I mean a lot!!!!

  • Blogs, blogs, blogs… didn’t really post comments/feedbacks and all but heck discovered hell lot of blogs. Still wasn’t part of the networking ‘wave’ as such.

So as it stands these three –stumble, blog, mails kept me on. Then things started changing/rather about to change… Next part …

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