Thursday, March 03, 2011

My Culinary Experiences - I

Barring our first week in Paris where we had a luxurious stay at hotel, we have been cooking for the last 4 weeks every alternate day. Initially after coming into the apartment seeing that we are not having any electric cooker or pressure cooker that I had been used to cooking it felt like a great hindrence. Adding to the misery our stove is an electric one. If anyone has not have worked with electric stove, don't expect oil to spurt or anything like that. It takes lot of time to get the actual burn. Its all over now.

Coming to me and my cooking. I gotta mention about one special person apart from my mom who has influenced lot of my cooking skills. He is someone who after reading my post about cooking looked for his beloved name on my earlier post (Ctrl+F). That's mote a.k.a nikmo. He had tremendous energy when it comes to cooking. Unlike me he doesn't believe follow recipes to the book. He just gets it. Of course there must have been a lot of cooking experience behind it. What I love about him is the excitement with which he gets down to business starting with the shopping for ingredients, cutting the vegetables, marination and finally cooking. There used to be weekends specially planned for boozing with his chicken as the main dish. I am definitely inspired by him and want to reach his levels. I hope I do.

Anyways, here are the dishes I cooked so far -

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