Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Facebook - De-Addiction

I have a very urgent task to complete by tomorrow morning for which only 20% of the work is done and here I am sitting at home writing this blog. The point is Facebook has literally taken the fun out of my writing, my thinking, my activities and my priorities. By writing this blog I want to declare upfront I wouldn't be FaceBook'ing for at least 2 weeks from now. Let me see how hard is it gonna be.

Only few days back I observed Sruti Puli being absent from Facebook totally, like pfff, gone up in the air. She was die hard FBian liking the posts, posting the comments, posting videos, all in an instant from her net connected phone. I don't know the reason behind her absence but I am willing to bet she wanted to get rid of FB and experience 'real' life. I always believed the self-control comes from within and it should not be forced upon. Liking cutting the cable connection, stopping play time, stopping movies and many such things that parents resort to in controlling their children and making them focus on studies. My parents didn't believe in such restrictions. Mom was in control of all our studies and she had a very proper way of going about it. Exams or no exams all days were treated the same. We had proper 2 hour play time, then studies , movie in the night (on a weekend) and then sleep.

Holidays was a different matter altogether. During exams time we automatically cut down the play levels as for one you see no children coming out to play. Also, the fear of exams, tension and many other things are on your mind that you hardly care about losing your playtime. As we grew up, we were left on our own to make the decisions. Excepting for one time when my mom forcibly took away all the novels in my room during Engineering 1st or 2nd year, I don't remember any time my parents being strict upon controlling us. That was the time when my reading was an all time high and I was going on a marathon reading sessions. From then on though, I learnt my lesson.

Fast forwarding to the present, FB has become an obsessive compulsion. Comments and likes started bothering me more than the work. Time to time I go to gmail and check the Facebook folder for any updates. If not the mail, thanks to the ubiquitous wi-fi, I keep refreshing the FB app for any new messages. Browsing through the news feed, commenting and then having some laugh on some of funny videos has become a very absorbing fabit. If I don't find videos, then I start going to friend's wall and browsing the archives. I somehow absentmindedly am seeking some solace from it. Its a very annoying and disturbing feeling to be living like this. Whenever I write/post/like I expect a wall post or Like. How stupid, isn't it? That's true and I am willing to accept that I am one. I don't want this burden anymore.

I want to force my self to quit this Fabit. I wanted to do this right from morning. But because of the fabit, I saw the messages and commented too. From then on all through my office time and beyond till now, I haven't even opened once. Of course, mail is providing the updates of lack of updates. That I will leave it alone. I know one more day, nobody will even bother. You see in such fast moving feeds, there is no point in going back to old topics and writing something.

Phew! Enough is enough, back to work!

P.S. Of course, not ALL is bad in FB. Its a different debate altogether for some other time.

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