Monday, September 05, 2011

Online Shooting - Week 4

As expected my interest levels have come down a bit with the lack of responses. I still do check the sites regularly to the extent of seeing if anyone has accepted or rejected my profile. All the people I liked or expressed interests in mostly had their partner preference to be of certain Mother Tongue or Religion/Caste specific to a community.

I see lot of good looking profiles from Bangalore/Delhi/Mumbai and also occasionally from Andhra/Kerala. Even though I knew that they had certain partner preference with those two criteria I was hoping they actually meant that first preference would be that and they are open to everyone. Apparently I am proving to be wrong. You see the site also gives you the ability to put 'Any' and 'Your Preference' both. Its up to the user to decide what she means. So number of declined have increased.

Over last week all I did was search and peruse through profiles all the way till page 33 when I thought enough is enough. Interestingly one good thing I have found out quite accidentally and which should have been obvious is giving me good reasons to take it as the way it is going. You see all the sites have more or less called me to inquire when I will be willing to change to premium membership, when I am planning to get married. Somehow I felt a bit choked and told them I will apply when I think time is right and not to push me further.

While 3 of them have just called once, the ones from my community site have called me at least 4 times by different persons so far urging me to jump. It is in one of those calls that I heard the guy tell me "Sir, daily we get at least 4000 profiles, premium membership will give you maximum availability". They don't end the call the usual way, "thank you sir, Is there anything else I might assist you" they just slam the phone down abruptly. No Kidding. Anyway the point to take away being 4000 profiles a day I know if I keep my frequency of checking weekly once I will now have new set of 30,000 profiles to check. Even if 100 people are logging in I would have 700 new people to look for.

Of course this 100 would come by taking out preference, salary, mother tongue etc.I also think its time I change my bio. This I have felt middle of last week much before Mr.Mote woke up from his slumber and gave me valuable tips. Somehow I know that what I wrote isn't as appealing as it should be and I don't see any emotional punches in it. Will give it a grilling tonight.

Knowing the Enemy -

The other major change I have done is to change the profile pics and play around it for a while. This morning I have also seen the other way round i.e. knowing the enemies. I began going through grooms and I see that I stand fairly good chance with this ( after setting some specific filters of country-India, Working as -"software", Age-"25-29", with photo visible to all,caste -...) on page 3. The first 2 pages the people were looking really bad. By removing the filters of 'software' and 'caste' I am nowhere to be seen in the first 10 as all the folks from all parts of country are getting piled up. Well that ain't a easy task pushing everyone aside.
Profile tweaking would be the first step definitely and then I am still not sure if I need to jump on the Premium bandwagon yet.

Stats -

Interests Expressed by me - 27
Accepted so far - 0
Declined so far -13
Interests Expressed by others - 3
Accepted - 0
Declined - 3

1 comment:

Nikhil said...

heres another tip... write more adjectives (but restrict it to 4) when describing about yourself and less adjectives (not more than 2) when describing the perfect girl you are looking for... It may look skewed; not my idea though… Apparently, if you have more conditions attached it suggests you are demanding…. Instant reject! You don’t wanna happen that do you?