Thursday, July 05, 2012

Kar Chronicles - Jul 5

Got up little early today and was all set by 6:30 A.M. Had small errands to do and by the time I was in other 10 minutes.The first thing I noticed was the bright sunlight that was falling on the edges of the building. It wasn't a good sign. For the first time in my life, weather was playing an important role. Never cared about it before. Ever since I started jogging I really hope to look forward to nice cold weather, the kind that's usually prevalent between 6 to 7. I just don't like doing jogging with sun directly falling on your head. Hyderabad weather has got to be one of the worst ever weather. Monsoon is feeling like Summer. Wonder how the upcoming winter would feel like.

I for one am darn sure I would be comfortable wearing shorts all the time. Anyways, had a good jog. Left knee was slightly paining. This was due to yesterday's extra dose of exercises.Since jog was ruled out yesterday, I had stuck to exercises. With over zealousness I had done 3 sets of uthak-bathak (a.k.a squats) with 15 reps. Same with the case of stretches. Wasn't feeling good all day till night. By morning it had subsided considerably with little traces left.

It is only after I came back from my jogging and about to do my exercises I realized what had caused this.
Two things are in my mind now.

1. Irresistible urge to check my weight. The highest weight I ever had in my life was around 86.5. Over the last six months I was hovering around 78-80 Kg. My actual goal is 74. I have this strong feeling that I have touched that mark but I am little afraid to check fearing it might show more than what I am expecting. Even if I have touched 77 I would be happy.

I wanted to check the weight this Friday. Now that I will be on leave I am going to do it coming week. I would be putting little extra efforts and maintain a real strict diet. It almost feels like the extra amount of control that sugar patients put up just a week before their diabetes check. I feel like a school kid eagerly awaiting my first unit test exam result.

2. Am little concerned with the kind of surface I am running on and the after affects it would have in my life. Ever since I heard Guatham Bava tell me during the last car ride we had during his birthday, that one of his friends who had constantly ran on concrete for years together, suffered arthirits I have become more concerned. Want to phone Anu and ask her to find out with her Physio if it is okay to run on ground surface, which is what I have been doing so far. wonder my mom tells me "Practise writing less matter." This was supposed to be small notes on everyday jog. This turned out to be something else entirely. 

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