Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My First Blog

I wanted to do this for quite a long time. I have heard so much about blogging that I never really bothered about why everybody is so crazy.
But off late there are so many things happening that I can no longer stay put. I have to blurt it out. What better way than 'blog'ging it.

The day started off like a race-course with me having hardly fifteen minutes for my 'Refreshment' early in the morning. I had to be on time for my J2EE course but again I have to be on time to pick my mom up. Had a very hurried bath and brush. The class as it turns out wasn't upto the mark. Can't blame him poor guy. He is trying his best to make it nice. But I realize without practise it is going to be as good as an advertising leaflet.

Well tomorrow all i am going to do is practise. Waht a luck ! I can't install weblogic because it takes up my RAM Space. With five programmes so far covering EJB all i have to make sure is type faster without errors and start from scratch and learn to see the output.

Had a very nice conversation with our DCCN Lecturer with whom i would taking handful of challenging programs for my practise. Then came the presentations which nearly as Mr. Roxz put it drained all the ounces of blood from your brain. Had to bear and also reminded me to take up a topic soon . The benchmark has definetly risen with the kind of presentations today. I have to prove my metal...(by 23rd of this month of course...)

Came home and gave off those cd's and had my head cool after the spat with that guy who illegally accused me of ditching without money. Damn, did i do the right thing? Only time will tell..

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