Sunday, March 05, 2006


The day is 3rd March.
Mr. Bragger ditches me.
I get very tired for no reason at all. it stumps me because I hardly did the programes for an hour with none of it getting executed.
A very Busy PHOTO SNAPPING Assignment given by nanna.
Nix comes with the car to pick me and Chitti up to the college which of course took more the time than expected.
Swamy Naidu just made me speechless with his arrival.
Classical music was excellent. Had a bit of mind-talking for a while debating what went wrong and how come none of our mates enjoy it. Apart from this there was another pressing issue of deciding who is great? Is it me because I appreciate art or them because they know more than me?
wait a sec...wait a in the world.....Damn it!!!
I took my CAMERA to the college for the very first time and had a blast with it especially the Art Gallery 'KRITI' with some of the best displayed here.
I also took quite a snaps. Ms.Laddoo's words didn't bode well with me. What the heck does she mean by me behaving like Monkey with a Mirror??
Alright time might heal it? why am I constantly comparing one another with me...when does my mind say enough is enough...why am I not able to take Mr. Balu seriously hereafter?
Has he not being 'courtesive' during the Internals that bad to be normal with him??
should think more about this in the future...
Theme ballet sucked big time. No relation, no synchronization, not enough time, no good dancers and to top it all 'INTRA-COLLEGE' event. What more could be abysmal?
I mean there wasn't any coherence of events as it all fizzled out like a classroom talk?

fag end of the night we meaning Kris, AlterEgo, Nix, Nikks, Chitti and me had dined outside. Noodles were very cold but the taste excellent. Some made really bad decisions : Case in point: chitti(qubanikameeta with vaneela), Nix(the soup gobbled him up...little sense...he could have added a bit more salt...)
12 is when i return home..share it with dad and mom, go to sleep...

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